Hello! I have set up this site to show support for a great cause. 3 Summits is an anual benefit climb on glaciated peaks of the Pacific Northwest that raises funds to assist causes in Nepal. I met one of the founders, Jwalant Gurung, through a good friend from VA. As someone who loves the outdoors and is originally from Nepal, Jwalant decided to give back. I heard about the 3 Summits organization and decided it was a great way to help improve the lives of children living in Nepal. The funds we raise support housing and education to one of the poorest countries in the world. I was honored and lucky enough to be a part of the inaugural year! I summited Mt Rainier in Washington state that year. There were two other summits that year- Mt. Baker and Mt. Hood- that other supporters summited. Please help support the Mitrata organization. For more information please visit the following sites today!
During dinner, as the sun set, a tremendous sight; the outline of the summit shone onto the distant reaches of the horizon seemingly hundreds of miles away!
I know I don't look enthused, but its all love on the inside. I slept 1 hour the night before summit day. I didn't eat enough (my fault), drink enough(I'm an idiot) or sleep. I didn't sleep for an entirely different reason. One that invloves a nightmare from my first Mt Rainier attempt a few years earlier. BUT we summitted and it felt AWESOME!!!
A self portrait in front of the hotel, waiting for Jwalant to arrive, sometime around 5:30am. I was beat from a trans-am flight the night before, and dinner from a bag. But, I was still psyched to see good friends and Mt. Rainier again. God I love travelling!
Putting the finishing touches on divying up the gear and workin' in some well needed sunblock. The light reflecting off the glacier can be very intense and easily burn you're skin if your not careful.
Our first view of the summit since we left the parking lot. The true summit is on the left side of what you can see in this picture. Sometimes it feels just as far away as it appears. But one step at a time...
During the trek up the Muir Snowfiled, a look back to South, of dayhikers with their poles, groups resting, and good old Mt Adams in the background.( I think)
Gary and Jwalant making the "stairmaster" of the Muir Snowfield a reality. Repetitious step-kicking leads you up from a treeline elevation of ~6,000 ft to Camp Muir at ~10,000 ft. Make sure you eat your Wheaties!
Gearing up at Camp Muir. To reach Camp Muir, a harness and rope is not essential because of a lack of crevasses. Just above Camp Muir, there is a chance of rock and snow slides, crevasses and some exposed trails. Saftey first.
Hiking further into the fog that blanketed the base of Mt Rainier gave no indication of a 14,000 ft peak looming just out of view. Lush green growth reminds you of the rich temperate rain forest below diverting your attention from the glacier sliding ever-so-slowly downhill towards you.
A self portrait from our lunch rest stop at Camp Muir around 10,000 feet looking towards Mt. Adams on an amazing bluebird day! You can't beat weather like this!
This is a picture looking towards the glacier we would ascend through multiple switchbacks to reach the summit. My tent sits in the foreground. Strong, but normal, winds whipped at the tent wall most of the night and occasionally you could hear the glacier creak and moan as it inched down the mountain.
A refection of the days sunset. This picture gives you a glimpse of the true beauty and tranquility that you can find on Mt Rainier. A sunset from the other side of the mountain shines across the horizon.
A view Southeast from our high camp. Once the sun fell behind the ridge above us, you could feel the temperature plummet as the minutes passed. He hurried to set up camp and start more important things.... like dinner!
Our makeshift kitchen at high camp the evening before our successful summit. The campsite is at about 11,000 feet leaving just over 3,400 feet remaining. Melting snow for water and cooking is an essential part of mountaineering since it is such a readily available source. In the background Gary digs a snowcave of sorts to sleep in that night.
A view West from the center of the summit crater with the moon still in plain view in the early hours of the day. In order to summit in good conditions, most hikers set their alarms for no later than 3 or 4 am on summit day.
This is the view from just below the summit looking East. Hikers cross the summit crater in the background, which covers the still active Mt Rainier volcano below. It has not erupted since the first half of the 19th century and has not experienced a large eruption for more than 1,000 years.
Ambrose Bittner, standing next to Jwalant, is another founding member of 3 Summits and has traveled internationally to Asia and throughout Nepal and Tibet's mountains giving technical support crucial to the safe success of reaching all three summits. Ambrose is also the founder and president of Red Lantern Journeys who is a proud sponsor of the 3 Summits for Nepal's children.
Jwalant Gurung, a founder and key figure in the planning and successful completion of the inaugural year of the 3 Summits Benefit climbing series, continues to raise awareness and funding for his home country of Nepal, one peak at a time. Seen here standing on the summit of Mt Rainier in '06, you can see Mt. Adams over Jwalant's shoulder.
Abi Devan is another board member of 3 Summits and was also a participant in '06. Abi Devan's high spirits and morale were a welcome contribution to the success of the team.